Psychology and Teenagers


How do TEENAGERS come to see a psychologist?

Teenagers, like children, often see psychologists due to a parent, teacher or health professional being concerned about their behavior, social, emotional or neurodevelopment. Sometimes, teenagers seek help on their own accord.

What makes the teenage years so difficult?

The teenage years is a period of transition from childhood into adulthood. Teenagers have to manage many competing issues such as peer pressure, social media, and parental expectations all whilst their bodies are full of “raging hormones” and their brains developing. Neuroscience research has found that one of the last connections to be fully established in the brain are in the areas of judgment, problem solving, impulse control and managing emotions.

Can teenagers have a mental health disorder like Depression or Generalized Anxiety?

Yes, some teenagers may struggle more so than others with this phase in their life. They may develop a mental health disorder and cope in maladaptive and dangerous ways.

How can a psychologist help teenagers?

A psychologist can provide a confidential and neutral space to help teenagers make sense of what is going on in their lives. An assessment can establish why the teenager is acting or behaving in the way that they are and support the teenager develop safer coping strategies. Therapy can also help teenagers identify their own self evaluations, values and priorities separate from external pressures. This often contributes to improved self esteem and confidence.

How can a psychologist help parents of teenagers?

Parenting a teenager is different from parenting a child. Sometimes parents struggle to make this adjustment and feel overwhelmed by their teenager who has started taking risks, testing limits and asserting their independence. Frequent disagreements between parents and teenagers can lead to a tense and strained relationship. Parents may be unsure about how to set limits and protect their teenager in fear that they may further upset or anger their child. A psychologist can help parents negotiate all these issues in a way that is most appropriate for what the teenager is going through whilst being mindful of the family’s history, culture and values.